Thursday, 1 December 2011

525600 Minutes

There is a song from the Broadway production Rent which goes “Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes, how do you measure, measure a year”. For Heights College senior class of 2011, with whom we will celebrate their graduation and final day of school next Term, these five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, seem to fly by at break neck speed. Their hopes, dreams and aspirations for 2011 have quickly been transferred to memories and legacies and choruses of “I’m glad I dids”, “I knew I coulds” and perhaps even some “I wish I hads”. The journey for these senior students are about to enter an exciting new phase and a new chapter awaits them all as they continue to paint their life-masterpieces and pen their epic biographies. We, the Heights College Community, will continue to cheer them on as they find their place in this world and their point of influence and impact where their identity and their purpose are forged together in fulfilling career pathways. We wish our class of 2011every success and pray that they will hold onto the promise that each and every one of them has a hope and a future that has been ordained and blessed by God.

It has also been with great excitement that a new class has now had the baton passed to them – the class of 2012 – and I look forward to seeing their leadership gift and abilities develop as they take their place as leaders of our college. The class of 2012 will have five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (give or take a few minutes here and there) to contribute their own legacy, to carve out their own impact and influence upon our College next year, and assume the many and varied roles that each one of them will fulfil as an indispensible member of the senior leadership team of 2012. I am excited by the calibre of leaders who will make up the seniors of 2012 and am enthusiastic about the coming year and the potential for character, leadership and influence to be further developed in each of their lives as they achieve breakthrough in so many unique and specific ways.

The song mentioned earlier reminds us though, that in the midst of all the “measuring” and of all our “years” the one thing that matters most is suggested as How about love?

How about love?
How about love? Measure in love

May the upcoming Christmas season remind us all of the power and influence of love – true, unconditional and freely given love – that came into the world in the form of a baby, lived five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes each year as He grew in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and with man, and who ultimately showed a broken and dying world that love really is the only measure of a life and the only hope for a lost and hurting humanity. May you all have a blessed and love filled Christmas break where He really is the reason for not only the festive season but how we measure our lives both this year and every year into the future.