Monday, 4 July 2011

Beliefs and Breakthrough

Popular motivational expert Tony Robbins suggests that “All personal breakthroughs begin with a change of beliefs”. Changing deeply ingrained habits and ways of doing things is a challenging task and sometimes such changes feel like they are almost impossible to overcome. The long list of broken New Year’s resolutions are an example of the reality that with many things, the more we try to change, the more things stay the same. This is particularly relevant within learning. I remember as a new student to Secondary school, with books neatly covered and resources well organised, resolving to make a new beginning with my efforts in school and my behaviour in class. Despite my best intentions, my resolution only lasted as long as midway through the first day. The reason for this was that although I hoped to change and thought such a change was necessary, I did not actually change my beliefs, attitudes and default habits about discipline and working to the best of my ability. Furthermore, I still sat next to my best mate from Primary school and whenever we were together, making each other laugh was far more important than any new year resolution!

I learnt through this experience that breakthrough only comes about when we change our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves and our circumstances. Willpower is never enough on its own to change our situation, what we must have is a change in mind and heart attitude that leads to changed actions, behaviours and consequences that we actually prefer. Therefore for breakthrough to occur, there needs to be necessary changes that may be needed to overcome whatever challenges and difficulties we may face within learning and we mustconstantly seek ways to change those deeply ingrained beliefs regarding what is the “default” actions and behaviours that we are accustomed to, and replace these with preferred new actions and attitudes.How I long for a breakthrough in acheiving breakthroughs!!!

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